Indonesian Air Force Rear Marshall Dwi Putranto (C) shows the plane parts and a suitcase found floating  in the sea in Pangkalan Bun, Indonesia, on Tuesday. AP/PTI

AirAsia plane debris, bodies found

After three days of intense search, debris of the missing AirAsia aircraft carrying 162 persons was found today in the Java Sea off Indonesia but only three bodies have been retrieved so far as mystery remained over the cause of the crash.

Only three bodies have been retrieved and not 40 as previously stated by naval officials, Indonesia's National Search and Rescue Agency chief Bambang Soelistyo said late tonight, amid fading hopes of finding any survivors. The bodies — two women and a man — were spotted along with debris floating in the Java Sea off the Indonesian part of Borneo, close to the area where contact was lost with the aircraft on Sunday morning. 


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