Health & Fitness for Busy People

Gear Fit Tracking-BorderMaker

Last couple of decades saw an exponential grown in the field of science and technology. Manual labor jobs turned into sitting-in-a-chair-all-day white collar job. We stopped making our own food and started buying it preprocessed. Because it was easier. It had chemicals, wasn’t really natural but we didn’t care.
The advent of the internet allowed us to work from anywhere. That sounds incredibly romantic. You can work from anywhere! Where did we end up working from? Our homes, in our pajamas. The last excuse some people had to step out of the house – to make a living – has now gone.
And now it’s all this.
We’re fat.
Even if you’re not (good for you, seriously), chances are you’re stressed out, tired and generally not what your grandfather would call “healthy“. It doesn’t have to be like this. If you start making a few small and simple changes to your lifestyle today, you’ll be adding many pleasant years to your life on the planet Earth.

1. 7-Minute Workout

If you are low on time, the best thing you can do to get yourself moving is the 7-minute workout. You do 12 exercises in succession with 5 second breaks. It’s only 7 minutes but you’ll break quite a bit of sweat at the end of it.

7 minute workout 

2. Avoiding Carpal Tunnel

If you’re constantly typing away on your computer (note to self), your hands can get tired, resulting in something called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If you’re feeling a tingling sensation or numbness in your fingers, you might be suffering from it already.

3. Looking Away From The Computer Screen

This century has brought forward a phenomenon called 20-20-20. In plain and simple words it means after every 20 minutes of looking at a computer screen you should take a 20 second break and focus on an object 20 feet away.
This will give a helpful boost to your eyes.

4. Sitting Is Bad For You

Man wasn’t really meant to sit for 8 hours a day on a desk chair with his back hunched and his eyes staring at a computer screen. Yes, it is kind of sad that that’s not our destiny. But at least, now we know.
Sitting for prolonged periods of time (and more importantly sitting in a bad posture) has been linked to organ damage, slowing of brain functions, back pain and a lot more.
This infographic from Daily Inforgraphic gives you a look at everything that’s wrong with sitting and what you can do about it. Click on the image for expanded view.



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