Outlook mail cleanup feature to become default soon

 Microsoft is soon introducing the Clutter feature as a default in Outlook. The company has confirmed that Outlook on the web as well as in the Office 2016 will have the Clutter feature turned on by default. From June 2015, all the existing mailboxes too will have the setting on by default.
The Clutter feature segregates the mail into high priority ones and other not so important ones. So, you can see the important mails first and then if you wish to see all the other emails, you can click on the others tab.
The move can be frustrating to a few users who don't like a change in layout or setting of their default emails. Users who have used the feature before and opted out of it won't be getting the clutter feature activated again.
Microsoft also said that the Clutter inbox won't have frequent alerts to the notifications, so that users can become more efficient and productive.


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