Bottle that disappears as soon as you finish its contents
Ari Jonsson made a biodegradable water bottle out of algae. And yes, it's absolutely safe to drink water from it. Wouldn't it be ideal if we had a bottle that would vanish the second we finished the water inside? Well, thanks to a student named Ari Jonsson, that's a reality now. Imagine all the plastic consumption he'd be saving the world from! Ari Jonsson, a product design student of Iceland academy of arts, has created a biodegradable bottle from something as odd as algae. Jonsson mixed red algae powder and water to create this genius biodegradable bottle. As is common knowledge, a plastic bottle takes up to 450 years to decompose. And given our consumption of this devil, it's not going to be too late before the planet chokes of plastic poisoning. According to The Logical India, Ari Jonsson said, "I read that 50 per cent of plastic is used once and then thrown away, so I feel there is an urgent need to find ways to replace some of the unreal amount ...