NASA will pay you Rs 12 lakh

NASA is looking for volunteers who can stay in bed for 70 days and smoke weed. You will be paid more than Rs 12 lakh for this! Interested?


 NASA is looking for volunteers who can stay in bed for a stretch of 70 days and smoke different kinds of cannabis (marijuana). This might be a dream come true for some of you!

And if you can do that then the space agency will pay you $18,000 that is approximately Rs 12.25 lakh.

This activity or rather total inactivity is a part of NASA's series of 'Rest Studies' during which the participants are allowed to read books, Skype, play games as well smoke cannabis the entire duration of the study. 
This experiment is being done to find ways of ensuring safety and good health of the astronauts during periods of extended space travel. Scientists also want to understand how marijuana will influence the body and what bodily changes occur during space travel. 
Two separate groups will be made with categorisation such as exercising and non-exercising. The first group will exercise on special equipment and the non-exercising volunteers will take it easy.
All the volunteers will go through various medical tests including heart, bone, muscle, nervous, circulatory, nutritional and immunity tests.
So, are you ready to smoke up and contribute towards NASA's space exploration?
